It’s Not Paranoia If They Really Are Out to Get You

Ask any IT professional about enterprise data security and you can feel the tension in the room rise even before anyone starts speaking. Security is a tense topic, and for good reason. Good data...

March 19, 2019

Cyber Security

New to the Industry, But Not the Journey

So why did a guy who spent his entire career in the media-and-entertainment data business decide to start over in a new market? On the surface, it seems like an odd or miscalculated move at this...

February 26, 2019

Smart Data Protection

The Rocket Science of Data Protection

At its simplest level, data protection isn’t really a hard concept. We start with a bunch of zeros and ones in a certain order and we need to ensure that regardless of disaster, interference,...

February 5, 2019

Smart Data Protection

Thoughts on Think 2019

IBM Think, IBM’s newest business and technology conference event, focuses on solutions to some of the world’s most daunting technical and business challenges. Last year’s event, Think 2018, was...

January 31, 2019


Why Companies Should Bring the Backup Discussion to the Board Room

As primary custodians of data in a company, the CIO or IT Director often own and manage data backup. At the board level it is expected that the decisions made by these data custodians will be aligned...

December 18, 2018


Compass Promotes VTL Functionality to First Class Data Protection

Interest in virtual tape libraries (VTLs) has been fading in recent months. In fact, if you do an Internet search on virtual tape libraries you won’t find many hits in the last 12-24 months. Why is...

November 27, 2018


Modern Data Protection for Work and Profit

If I had to pick the two most popular IT initiatives that I hear most about today they would be automation and modernization. I find these two initiatives holding the top of the list in almost all...

November 6, 2018


The Winner’s Problem – Technical Legacies and Legacy Technology

When a business is deemed successful it’s often because of great people doing awesome things with the latest technologies. Yet there is always a built-in problem for long-time winners that follows...

October 23, 2018

Legacy Challenges

Can You Really Afford Reliable Data Protection?

In IT there are well-known (and never 100% avoidable) risks that justify rock solid data protection – component failures, operator mistakes, application bugs, network outages and the like. Yet the...

October 9, 2018

Cost Overruns

Protecting All Data in a Complex World

Are you actually protecting all your important data today? Not “almost,” “just about”, or “we have plans,” but all of it?

October 2, 2018

Operational Complexity