The Building Blocks of Backup and Recovery Analytics

You may hear the term "backup data analytics" tossed about in the world of backup and recovery solutions but just what analytics are possible and how are they being performed?

August 20, 2020


Integrating Backup Workflows in Enterprise IT

Backup can be an afterthought for many organizations. Everyone assumes it's functioning until they find out it's not – the hard way. And what happens when it's not? Loss of data. Loss of revenue....

July 23, 2020

Operational Complexity

How Companies Use Containers vs Microservices

Speed. Flexibility. Scalability. Maintainability. Resiliency. If these are some of the most desirable attributes in your organization cloud environment, you should be using containers if you aren't...

June 29, 2020


Migrating to the Cloud? Backup Applications and Keep Your Data Secure

The pressure is on for companies to take advantage of cloud infrastructure for cost-savings, scalability, flexibility, and time-to-market efficiencies. With that pressure comes a lot of questions...

June 2, 2020


The Compass® Experience – Tools and Support for Our Users

So you've just become a Cobalt Iron customer. Or you are getting on-boarded as a new user in Compass™. Maybe you are curious what it's like to go from spinning up your Accelerators to your new...

May 7, 2020

Compass Features

How to Make Backup-as-a-Service (BaaS) More Profitable

A managed service engagement includes backup. It’s table stakes for enterprise MSPs and GSIs. It doesn’t stand out as a competitive differentiator either – so does it matter how data backup and...

May 1, 2020

Improve Outcomes

Make the Switch to Compass and Empower Remote Backups

No doubt about it, we’re all going through some strange times on both a personal and business level. The COVID-19 pandemic is arguably the largest global crisis since World War II, and it’s forcing...

April 23, 2020


How Government Agencies Can Improve Cyber Security and Reduce Costs

We can’t say it often enough: Organizations of all types and sizes continue to be under a major and growing threat from cyberattacks. It’s never been more important to consider your approach to risk...

April 12, 2020

Cyber Security

Can you transition your backup administration team to remote work?

Remote work policies, globalized teams, and demands for flexibility have all made the push to remote work culture more significant. With the current global pandemic, companies who may have been...

March 20, 2020


UPDATED: Does Your Backup Environment Support Compliance Mandates?

Data breaches can come at an enormous cost: lost business continuity, loss of reputation and customer confidence, and time and resources required to recover. Like never before, it’s critical for...

March 5, 2020

Cyber Security